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Título : Diseño e implementación de banco didáctico para pruebas de instrumentación eléctrica industrial
Autor: Hoyos Rodríguez, Jhon Édison
Director(es): Mira Pérez, Rafael Hernán
Editorial : Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
Abstract: The Instructional Design Test Bank for Industrial Electricity Instrumentation arises basically to meet the needs of laboratory practices and maintenance workers Amtex Company since regarding the application of the tests in repairing electrical equipment and industrial machinery, do not have a test and trial, because when preventive and corrective maintenance staff of electrical and mechanical maintenance facility is not required for this process. To solve this problem the company designed and built a test in order to optimize time and labor to maintenance workers. The design and construction of the Bank of Practice for Teaching Industrial Electrical Instrumentation , was made based on the needs of the employees of the company Amtex and based on existing models, including tires FESTO banks and banks are electrical practices and test benches of the University Institution Pascual Bravo. Therefore, to create a laboratory test benches to guide electrical practices, enables the maintenance staff does not have to perform tests in the air or do trials with bad connections or equipment damage due to lack of ease of proof, but makes it possible to generate such space in the company directly. Thus, an educational bank as that markets FESTO, will serve as a reference point to design and build the Bank Educational Practice for Electrical Industrial Instrumentation.
URI : https://repositorio.pascualbravo.edu.co/handle/pascualbravo/685
Aparece en las colecciones: Tecnología en Sistemas Mecatrónicos

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